Thursday, November 8, 2007

5 Frame Story -Stranglehold

5 Frame Story Presents -STRANGLEHOLD

"The calm before the STORM."

"All Hell breaks LOOSE."

"Now it's PERSONAL."

"Everything begins off as WHITE..."

"...But in the End, Everything fades to BLACK."

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Project Management Guest speaker -overview

We were fortunate enough to have a guest speaker to discuss about, PROJECT MANAGEMENT.
This lecture will help with organizing and distribute work tasks in a group setting to accomplish the final project deliverable for our ITEC 830 class.

The key points that were emphasized in the lecture about PROJECT MANAGEMENT were the THREE "P"s.

1. Project
2. Project Manager
3. Project Management

Basically, in short...the lecture points out the importance in organization and having deliverables accomplished on it's milestone.

Design of Everyday Things -Ch#4 "Knowing what to do"

My group's focus presentation is on chapter four -- "Knowing what to do," from Donald A. Norman's book, the Design of Everyday Things. In this chapter the key point is knowing how to interact and work with products that the user is unfamiliar with.

4 Key constraints that are emphasize in this chapter are:
1. Physical
2. Semantic
3. Cultural
4. Logical

Physical Constraints:
are the physical operations possible constrained by physical means. Ideally, there is only one proper way that an object can be used.

Semantic Constraints:
are the meaning of the logical possibilities and actions that an object can preform. Semantic constraints rely upon our knowledge of the world. The can provide powerful and important clues for how an object can be used.

Cultural Constraints:
deals with accepted conventional customs with using objects. New objects are often more difficult to use because there are not yet conventions or prior exposure for the user to draw on.

Logical Constraints:
are the constraining factors between the logical relationship and the spatial or functional layout of components.

A Whole New Mind -CH#8 "Play"

For this assigned group presentation on Chapter 4 -Play from Daniel H. Pink's book, a Whole New Mind, Brian and I came up with a POWERPOINT presentation.

Our focus was about having fun and being creative is a higher level of intelligence that requires the use of both hemisphere of the brain. The left side of the brain will register to the person what the focus is and if the left side of the brain is unable to logically decipher the information the right hemisphere will interpret an answer to the left brain.

Such is the case with jokes or observing human personality and behavior.

Everyday Thing

After reading the assignment chapter in Donald A. Norman's book, the Design of Everyday Things, I started reflecting around me the objects that stood out to me as either good or bad design.

Every week, I go over to my friend's house for movie night and each time I use his bathroom, I would dread using his glass hand washing basin.

The reason why I dislike using his washing basin is because I feel the end product was badly design and I feel uncomfortable using it.

I do not feel that the basin is securely fastened to the podium. I feel that I can easily knock the glass basin off the podium or if I put too much weight on it. The handle in which to control the flow of water out of it's spout at full force bounces off the basin and splashes all over me. If the water flow isn't meant to be used at full force the designer should restrict the lever so that the user doesn't get him/herself all wet.
Also the table ledge is almost non-existent, therefore I have to be careful not to be off-balance when washing my face or hands. And finally, because of the lack of a wash area ledge...I have to be extra careful not to make a mess using the basin because there is no surface area to clean up and if there are any mess that comes from the wash basin, it will end up either on the user or on the floor and that's just messy and nasty.

Net Generation Learning Style -overview

This posting is a reflection on my presentation experience working in a group setting presenting about Net Generation Learning Style.

Unfortunately, Brian, Toni and I were unavailable to get together during the week to discuss over our presentation video, but we did communicate via email regarding our impressions about the article and how to approach our presentation.

We all decided that we will take the newscaster video approach and we hope to bring in our ideas before class and edit our ideas together.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Educational Blogging

This entry is a reflection on the article, Educational Blogging, by Stephen Downes. This article can be found here:

I was really impressed with the information that was given in Stephen Downes article, Educational Blogging. He was able to convey the impact that blogging has developed and how it has reached the mainstream.
And ultimately, how this tool is slowly being incorporated and utilize in the educational school system. The author made some really strong points on how effective this tool can be for the students and for the purpose of learning.
The effectiveness of blogging for students is that this tool allows for the student to write and share his/her opinions for the classroom and for the world to read and comment upon.
This forum allows for the students and instructor a medium to voice and comment their opinions on the material that is being taught.
But on the downside that the author also raises is that if there is censorship when blogging that places restrictions and defeats the 'spirit' in which blogging originated from. Also, when students are told what to write about without the having any interest in the material that in itself is another defeat in the spirit of blogging and becomes a laborious and tedious tasks for the student.

Overall, I feel that having the educational institutions recognize the importance and value that blogging can serve to enrich and develop the learning in students. Then I believe that that benefits outweigh the faults that blogging has.